- The Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association Ltd

ASSBA Limited State Secretarial Contacts:

. . or feel free to use the contact form at the bottom of this page


Federal Secretary: Karen Bond
Office: PO Box 491, Bacchus Marsh Vic 3340
31 Labilliere Street, Maddingley Victoria
Phone: (03) 5367 2901 secretary@assba.com.au

New South Wales Branch

Secretary: Mr Kelvin Cronk
PO Box 204, Junee NSW 2663
Phone: 0437 276 510 Email: kaybunda@bigpond.com

Tasmanian Branch

Secretary Ms Sharon Heazlewood
Roselands', 686 Whitemore Road, Whitemore Tasmania 7303
Phone: (03) 6397 3515 Fax: (03) 6397 3096 Email: Roselands22@bigpond.com

Queensland Branch

Secretary/Treasurer: Ms Angela Haupt
Calvary Christian College, Carbrook Qld 4130
Phone: (07) 3287 6222; Email: angela.haupt@calvarycc.qld.edu.au

South Australian Branch

Secretariat: Mrs Grace Kroehn
RSD 215, Springton SA 5235
Phone: (08) 8564 1221
Email: belmontprops@bigpond.com

Victorian Branch

Secretary: Ms Karen Bond
PO Box 491, Bacchus Marsh Vic 3340
Phone: (03) 5367 2901 Email: secretary@assba.com.au

West Australian Branch

Secretary: RASWA
The Royal Agricultural Society of WA Inc.
PO Box 135, Claremont WA 6910
Phone: (08) 6263 3157 Fax: (08) 6263 3171 Email: reception@raswa.org.au

Individual Breed Contacts

English Leicester Assoiation of Australia Inc.

The Australian Border Leicester Association Inc.

Australian Romney Association Inc.

Cheviot Sheepbreeders' Association of Australia

Southdown Australia Inc.

The Suffolk Sheep Society of Australia Inc.

Australian Hampshire Down Breeders' Association

Australian Wiltshire Horn Sheepbreeders' Association

The Australian South Suffolk Society (Victorian Branch)

Wiltipoll Sheep Breeders Association Inc.

East Friesian

Australian Perendale Association


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